The tags of HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>My page!!!</title>
<h1>My Page!</h1> font size
<h2>My substitle</h2>the little font size
<h6>text</h6>the most little font size ,but we can adjust throgh CSS

<p>Hi im a paragraph <br/>of text</p> next line
<p>Hi im a <strong>paragraph</strong> of text</p>font bold
<p>Hi im a <em>paragraph</em> of text</p> font italic
<p>Hi im a <strong><em>paragraph<em></strong> of text</p>
↑ begin og effect ↑ End of effect//<br/>

<button>I'm a button</button>
<ul>\\not really understand what it's does
<li>i'm the item</li>
<li>i'm the item</li>
<li>i'm the order number of item</li>
<li>i'm the order number of item</li>
keep going!
